Sunday, January 13, 2008

HopeSpring Fellowship - A Simple Church

As with many followers of Jesus, I seek to be part of a community of believers who love the Lord, who encourage faith, will challenge my thinking, and desire to share life in an environment of biblical koinonia (fellowship).

HopeSpring Fellowship is a newly formed house church. We are a simple church. It is my hope and prayer that Jesus will spring forth many more churches as a result of this fellowship of believers.

Today was a great day. About 13 adults gathered this morning for fellowship, prayer, praise and teaching from GOD'S Word.

From 9:00 to about 10:00 we watched a Video from a series entitled "The Truth Project." We then had open discussion to about 10:40. That was followed with praise and worship as we sang before the LORD.

I was asked to bring the teaching and around 11:30 I led in a dialogue from John 12:20-27.

About 12:30 we gathered around for a concluding time of prayer. After prayer some had to leave while others stayed and visited for awhile.

To put it simply, this is an example of a simple church meeting or gathering.

We have so much to learn as we go forward. The elders focus on encouraging people to follow Jesus. We hope to avoid man-made agendas and programs. We hope to live free in the liberty we have and freely follow Jesus in our lives.

Pray for us!

Pray for Chuck and Andrea Emmett as they prayerfully consider going to Croatia to do house church planting.

And remember the Words of Jesus, "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also" (John 12:26).


ZipperBobWayMan said...

Rob Bell's Nooma videos could spark some interesting discussion as well. They are about 15-30 minutes long, and are pretty good from the one's I've seen. A little pricey though. A campus ministry sometimes airs them during their weekly Wednesday coffee house.

Mike Prince said...

You are one my heroes! I hope to someday see more and more people planting house churches and simply enjoying the life Jesus intends for us to have.
I look forward to reading your blogs. I don't regularly read blog but I will read yours because you have something to say.

Daniel Spenrath said...

We have been planting a house church in Austin for 1 year now. Not easy but we are in it for the long haul. How long have you been a house church leader?

Daniel Spenrath

David P Smith said...

I am excited for you Bill, it looks like God is underway in getting a house church started. We will be following your work and will be praying for you.
Hey, we would like to add your new work to our list of new churches/missions. House churches do qualify! Go to our website and give us your info, ok?