Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Churchianity vs Christianity

I am amazed, perplexed, and concerned; but, by the grace of GOD, I am encouraged.

"About what?" you might ask. Well, I am amazed, perplexed and concerned with the dogged determination by many well-meaning believers who insist on staying with the program-based institutional model of organized religion. The outcome is more about "Churchianity" than about Christianity.

Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Yet, when one looks at the typical church today, you'll find it focused on it's own programs, plans and agenda. This wreaks of religion!

When the church is not Christ-centered, the traditions of men compete directly with the Word of GOD and become central. The church drifts into nothing more than a religious social club where a cultural characteristic of going through the motions is accepted and giving the appearance that all is well is expected.

A few other characteristics of "Churchianity":

> The church operates like a business corporation.
> The pastor serves like a CEO.
> The church has assets to acquire and control.
> The leaders often act like employers.
> Church members often act like employees.
> Has many programmed and planned activities. (Does the Holy Spirit work like this?)

Christianity is real. It has life in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the head of the church.

Church life is simple and spontaneous.

It isn't about doing church; it is about being church.

It is simply church!

The simple church relies on personal relationships with people to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and disciple them.

Mobility is very important to the simple church. Being able to go where Jesus is going and join Jesus in what He is doing is vital. Rather than advocate growing in size, the simple church emphasizes multiplying and reproducing other disciple making churches.

I am encouraged because God is calling followers back to simplicity and ease of multiplication in making disciples. Many are answering the call. Will you?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Church Planting is Making Disciples

Church Planting, when done biblically, is the most effective means for accomplishing the Great Commission. I believe it is the process Jesus had in mind when He said to “go into all the world and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19).

Church Planting is, in its purest function, the deliberate pursuit and intentional process of making disciples. This is the Great Commission.

Disciples are wholly devoted followers of Jesus. They adhere to and live out the teachings of Christ. It should be the goal of every church to be effective in producing and reproducing disciples. It should be a perpetual process until the Lord calls His bride home.

We agree on the need to be involved in this biblical purpose. We may disagree on how to go about it.

The question must be seriously considered: Are we effective at church planting? Let me ask it another way: Are we effective at making disciples?

Effectively means in an effective way (source: American Heritage Dictionary). Effective is defined as having an intended or expected effect (ibid). The biblical expectation as it relates to making disciples is clear: plant churches that produce followers of Jesus Christ among all people in every nation until the end.

I propose we can be more effective at making disciples if we are willing to implement another way of church planting.

What I advocate has been termed house church, home church, simple church, family church, relational church, organic church, and biblical church. Whatever you call it, the idea is to be faithful to the intent of Jesus Christ and the Apostles in our church life. Are you?

Pray for me! Pray for churches to multiply in the greater Austin area.

GOD bless you as you serve HIM.

HopeSpring Fellowship - A Simple Church

As with many followers of Jesus, I seek to be part of a community of believers who love the Lord, who encourage faith, will challenge my thinking, and desire to share life in an environment of biblical koinonia (fellowship).

HopeSpring Fellowship is a newly formed house church. We are a simple church. It is my hope and prayer that Jesus will spring forth many more churches as a result of this fellowship of believers.

Today was a great day. About 13 adults gathered this morning for fellowship, prayer, praise and teaching from GOD'S Word.

From 9:00 to about 10:00 we watched a Video from a series entitled "The Truth Project." We then had open discussion to about 10:40. That was followed with praise and worship as we sang before the LORD.

I was asked to bring the teaching and around 11:30 I led in a dialogue from John 12:20-27.

About 12:30 we gathered around for a concluding time of prayer. After prayer some had to leave while others stayed and visited for awhile.

To put it simply, this is an example of a simple church meeting or gathering.

We have so much to learn as we go forward. The elders focus on encouraging people to follow Jesus. We hope to avoid man-made agendas and programs. We hope to live free in the liberty we have and freely follow Jesus in our lives.

Pray for us!

Pray for Chuck and Andrea Emmett as they prayerfully consider going to Croatia to do house church planting.

And remember the Words of Jesus, "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also" (John 12:26).